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China to keep sharing development fruits with global businesses: vice president

2024-06-03 18:38:50 source:Earth Edges news portalViews:445次

BEIJING, March 26 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to promote the steady growth of its economy and share the fruits of development with companies from other countries, Vice President Han Zheng said Tuesday.

Han made the remarks while addressing the first signature event of the "Invest in China Summit," a government campaign aimed at attracting foreign investment and helping foreign companies better understand China's opportunities.

China attaches great importance to foreign investment, Han said, noting that the country has pledged to further expand high-level opening-up and step up efforts to attract and leverage foreign investment.

He said that China has formed sound and solid fundamentals in its long-term development, and vowed continued efforts to unleash its market potential, improve its industrial system and optimize the business environment.

Hosting the "Invest in China Summit" is an important measure for China to actively integrate into the international circulation, and represents part of its pragmatic efforts to promote economic globalization and stabilize global industrial and supply chains, Han said.

The event was attended by more than 140 entrepreneurs, as well as representatives of foreign chambers of commerce and business associations in China from 17 countries and regions.

(Editor:Fu Bo)

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